Monthly Archives: March 2017

* used as source Torah Class with Tom Bradford READ ACTS 13:13-52 13 Having set sail from Paphos, Sha’ul and his companions arrived at Perga in Pamphylia. There Yochanan left them and returned to Yerushalayim, 14 but the others went …


Reading and interpreting the Bible from within the fishbowl of our own cultural assumptions, we fail to understand it on its own terms. BY JOSHUA BERMAN In “Is the Torah a Work of Philosophy?,” Jon Levenson reminds us of the …


The profound Jewish meaning of this claim John chapter 4 John 4 When Yeshua learned that the P’rushim had heard he was making and immersing more talmidim than Yochanan 2 (although it was not Yeshua himself who immersed but his talmidim), …


Matthew 11:28-30 CJB 28 “Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and …


By Tom Bradford at Torahclass, (some emphasis added) READ John 8:1-11 But Yeshua went to the Mount of Olives. 2 At daybreak, he appeared again in the Temple Court, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down …


The key to understanding the chronology of the events leading up to and including Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection is that there were two Sabbaths in that week, with a day of preparation between them. This makes all of the Gospels …


The Purpose of the Site TO GO DEEPER. To go beyond the normal basics of Faith and to dig into the DEEPER meanings of what Jesus did while on earth. To spread the Word of God from the original Jewish/Hebrew …


14 FACTS THAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ISRAEL Two peoples claim the same piece of real estate in the Middle East. Whose land is it? Who owns the title deed? Israel or the Palestinians? Both peoples? Who has the right …


By Roy B. Blizzard Have you ever stopped and come to grips with how bad the spiritual situation is in the world today? It is frightening when we give ourselves to some serious thought and realize how far we have …


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